Why Always Me?


Why always me!?!?


Being an introvert dyspraxic I tend to like to keep myself to myself and try to stay in line when at work, university etc.  But being dyspraxic I have come across the issue that we always make the same mistakes in life, such as organisation, i.e. being late for work or finding it hard to consistently stick to a devised timetable, forgetfulness, forgetting where you put important documents and items, handing in assignments early to not remembering the hand in date and even “standing up” a girl due to forgetting I was meant to be meeting someone, and general clumsiness with movement such as falling face first in the middle of a nightclub sober, dropping meals all over customers at work (most embarrassing thing I’ve done).


All our flaws build up and draw, in most cases unwanted attention. Whether it’s your mates thinking you’re mentally stupid, where it’s your job questioning your work rate thinking you’re lazy and not working up to your full potential, or whether you’re in education and have lecturers and or teachers not getting their head round why you act a certain way.


For me it was hard as a teenager as I was naturally clumsy and it affected my self confidence and I ended up becoming withdrawn by it. But then I realised to myself am I blaming my dyspraxia or is part of the problem me. I realised that I can work of my weaknesses and any issues caused dyspraxia instead of constantly using it as an excuse.


The moral of why always me is no one’s perfect and people have much more serious issues than learning difficulties. So weather you have a learning difficulties a physical or mental disability or handicap, or even a personal issue in your life, accept your imperfections because 1. As said before no one’s perfect 2. Without them you wouldn’t be you.


I’ll leave you with a 20 min video link from one of my favourite you tubers, vagabondsteve and he explains how to accept your imperfections





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